Adjust the health modules sidebar

Change the order of the health modules

  1. Select a group of health modules in the health modules sidebar and hold it down until you notice that you can drag the health module upward or downward on the scoring screen.
  2. Drag the group of health modules to the desired location in the health modules sidebar.

Adjust the selection of health modules during a scoring session

The health modules that are available in the health modules sidebar of the scoring screen are selected for all the birds that were included in the flock sample. Any change that you make to this selection of health modules applies to the entire flock.

Note: When you are using the Aviapp® app on your smartphone, you first need to select the arrow on the bottom left of the page, before you can view or edit the list of health modules.

Proceed as follows to add or remove health modules from the health modules sidebar.

  1. Select Change modules at the bottom of the health modules sidebar on the scoring screen.
  2. Do any of the following:
    • If you have a normal sample size:
      • Select Modules if you want to select each health module individually.

      • Select Groups if you want to select one or more groups of health modules, used to calculate an aggregated score.

      Note: For more information about Groups, please contact your Huvepharma representative.
    • If you have a big sample size, select either Footpad dermatitis, Gait score or Body weight.
  3. To remove irrelevant health modules of the health modules sidebar:
    1. Select the x button in the corresponding filter tags.
    2. Select Confirm if a Removing module pop-up window appears.
    Attention: If you remove a health module, you will remove all previously entered data for this particular health module.
  4. Select Close to save your changes and return to the scoring screen.