Flock Card: Daily

On this screen, you can enter the daily performance details of the flock:

  • Daily mortality (deaths and selection)
  • Thinning
  • Daily water intake
  • Daily feed intake
  • Daily body weight
  • Daily minimum and maximum temperature
  • Daily humidity (in percentage)

If you have indicated the breed of the flock during the creation of the flock, Aviapp® will also show the Breeding guidelines for Feed intake and Body weight in the Guideline column.

You can enter these details for a number of days. The available days increase with the flock's actual age. For example, when the birds are 25 days old, Aviapp® will display 25 days in which to enter the daily performance data.

For most parameters that you log, you will be able to choose the unit in which you enter the data, depending on your personal preference. For the Mortality, Selection and Thinning parameters, you can enter either:

  • Processed values (%)

    For example: % deaths / day

  • Raw numbers (#)

    For example: number of dead birds / day

For the Feed intake and Water intake parameters, you have three ways in which you can enter your data. You can enter:

  • The cumulative feed or water intake per flock (indicated with the Sigma symbol: Ʃ)
  • The daily feed or water intake per flock, per day
  • The feed or water intake per bird, per day

As an Admin user, you can configure which parameters are visible to the users on the Flock Card: Daily screen (see Customize the Flock Card: Daily screen).