Search and filter your company's programs

  1. Go to the Aviapp Admin panel (see Access the Aviapp admin panel).
  2. Select the Programs tab to open the Programs Home screen.
  3. Do any of the following:
    To search or filter the company's ...
    anticoccidial programs

    the Cocci programs button on the Programs Home screen

    other programs

    the Other programs button on the Programs Home screen

  4. To search for a specific program, type a search term in the Search field.
  5. To filter the list of programs (both active and archived):
    1. Select the filter icon on the Programs Home screen: .
    2. Select Application period (-4Mo +8Mo) in the Filter pane to only view the programs that are active during the following period: four months prior to and eight months after the start of the current month.
      Note: This filter is selected by default.
    3. Select one or more program types in the Filter pane.
  6. Select Apply filter.

    You now see the programs of your selection on the Programs Home screen.

    Note: To view the archived programs, you need to expand the Archived programs section by selecting the toggle button .
  7. To remove an active filter tag on the Programs Home screen, select its x button.