Modify the quick charts report

  1. Select the Quick charts button next to a specific visit date on the Quick charts Home screen to open the corresponding quick charts report.
  2. To add comments to the quick chart of a specific health module, select the health module in the sidebar and fill in the Comment fields.
    Note: This is only possible on the Aviapp® platform, not in the Aviapp® app.
  3. Select Options to modify the data displayed in the quick charts report.
  4. Adjust the title of the quick charts report in the Name field.
  5. Select the Reports field to select the health reports that you want to include in the quick charts report.
  6. Adjust the way in which the flocks are represented on the vertical axis of each quick chart:
    • Select Age groups to display the flocks according to the age group to which they belong.
    • Select Individual flocks to display each flock individually.
  7. Hide or highlight certain health modules using the following fields:
    Field Description
    Hide modules below

    Fill in a percentage in this field as a threshold. Aviapp® will hide all the quick charts in which no flock has a higher prevalence than this threshold for a specific health module.

    Highlight scores above

    Fill in a percentage in this field as a threshold. Aviapp® will highlight all the scores that are higher than this threshold in the results tables of all health modules.

  8. Select Apply to save all modified options.
  9. Select Save Chart to save the quick charts report, including all modified options and comments.
    Note: This is only possible on the Aviapp® platform, not in the Aviapp® app.
    You will find all your saved quick charts reports on the Reports Home screen (see section View and delete your saved quick charts reports).