Archive and restore a flock

When you don’t need a certain flock to remain "active" anymore (when the flock has been slaughtered, for instance), you have the option to archive the flock. You can choose whether you still want the flock card of the archived flocks to be visible on the farm's detail page by using the Show archived flocks toggle button:
  • If the Show archived flocks button is turned on, you will see active and archived flocks.
  • If the Show archived flocks button is turned off, you will only see active flocks.

Active flocks are indicated with a red heart, while archived flocks are indicated with a grey heart.


In the Aviapp® app, only active flocks are accessible.

After you have archived a flock, you still have the option to restore it.

  1. On the Farms Home screen, select a farm card to open the farm's detail page.
  2. Select and Archive at the end of the flock card.

    Instead of the icon, you might see (a variation on) the following icon (see section The automatic archiving of a flock):

    If this is the case, select this red icon instead.

  3. Enter the slaughter age of the flock.
  4. Select Archive.
    The flock is archived and the icon changes to .
    Note: You will only be able to see the icon if the Show archived flocks toggle button is turned on in the farm's detail page.
  5. To restore a flock, select the icon on the flock card.